1988 _ 1989 _ 1990 _ 1991 _ 1992-3
Stratus SF SIG News #9---Monday, January 9, 1989 ******************************************************************************* NEWS Movies: Victoria Tennent has been cast as Offred in Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale." It's being directed by the man who directed "The Tin Drum." The Batman Movie is being filmed in England. "Ghostbusters II" is in production in New York City. "Leviathan," a $25 million production will be out in the spring, and will be marketed as "Aliens under wanter." John Varley's "Millenium," starring Cheryl Ladd, Daniel Tranvati, and Kris Kristofferson, will be out at Easter. Looks like 1989 may be an interesting year for SF movies. ******************************************************************************* INFORMATION ******************************************************************************* REVIEWS Readercon II (Lowell Hilton) Nice convention, somewhere between 250-300 attendees. This is as far from a mediacon as you can get. If you like reading and books, you'd've loved Readercon. The next Readercon will be in April of 1990. Wolf Moon (Charles de Lint) An interesting retelling of the wolfman story. In this book, werewolves are not "evil maneaters" but are "shapechangers," misunderstood by society. Vacuum Flowers (Michael Swanwick) One of the "true" cyberpunk books. It's very graphic and a little tough reading here and there, but it's an absorbing story about identity. Book Notes from Paul Ryan: I recently read Stephen King's Tommyknockers, which I guess could be called sci-fi. Too long and wordy, but could have been great, with the help of an editor. I tried to read James Dickey's Alinam (SP?), a book about a secret NASA during WWII. I thought it was awful; didn't finish. I also read Sphere, by I forget who. Interesting speculation about communicating with extra-terrestrials, but cop-out ending. ******************************************************************************* INQUIRIES/OTHER/RUMORS ******************************************************************************* UPCOMING CONVENTIONS Codclave February 17-19 Andover This is NESFA's relaxacon, featuring no programming but a nice con suite. Call Laurie at X2610 for more info. ******************************************************************************* Stratus SF SIG News #10---Friday, February 3, 1989 ******************************************************************************* NEWS ******************************************************************************* INFORMATION ******************************************************************************* REVIEWS From Howard Ship: "Queen of the Damned" by Anne Rice This is the third volume in what Mrs. Rice is calling "The Vampire Chronicles." "Queen" continues the story developed in "Interview with a Vampire" and "The Vampire Lestat". These books rework the vampire myth in a new and seductive light. "Queen" expands upon the events at the end of "Lestat", going in to more detail and continuing on. To fully appreciate this book, you should read "Lestat" first -- "Queen" would be completely confusing without the background from the earlier book. Rather than attempt to describe the plot, I'd rather just recommend the books, all of them, for anyone with the least interest in vampire stories. These are strong, well written books with a good style and an exciting storyline. "Queen" has more obvious faults than "Interview" or "Lestat" -- too many characters and subplots especially -- but that didn't stop me from racing through the book. Don't pass "Queen of the Damned" up. From Joe Wirtz Dean R. Koontz's LIGHTNING This is another story about time travel - with a new twist. A man from the past looks into the future, and is saddened by the death of a beautiful girl. So he intervenes, and stops the death from happening. But all through this girls life she is again and again faced with death, and her guardian angle saves her, and even begins to fall in love with her. This is not as good as Koontz's WATCHERS but it is still well worth reading. The plot twists of the evils of time travel do make for some very interesting subjects. Boskone 26 (from Laurie---a committee member's point of view) Boskone 26 ran last weekend in the Sheraton Tara and Springfield Marriott. The con ran VERY smoothly---the main source of annoyance for the attendees appeared to be the circuitous route between the hotels due to the demolition of the Marriott's lobby. The guests, Tim Psowers, James Gurney, and Tom Whitmore were all very amusing and did an outstanding job for the con. The Art Show appeared to be even better than last year's. I ran Programming for the con. We ran about 100 Program items---panels, art demos, readings, and movies, over the weekend. Some of the most successful items included "Magic and History," "Conventionholics Anonymous," "Books into Movies," and "Why Not Charlemagne?". Parties were much more plentiful this year, particularly on Satuday night. The hotels were both very helpful to the con, particularly the Marriott (the Sheraton has had chronic management changes and, as a result, their people aren't quite as on the ball as the Marriott's are). Both the Meet-the-VIPs and the Banquet were well-attended and very enjoyable. Fellow Stratus employees Jim Mann and Andy Cowan ran the Film Program for the con, which featured a George Pal festival and the showing of "Fire and Ice," a rarely-seen Raph Bakshi cartoon with backgrounds by James Gurney. Andy also did most of the work on this year's Boskone book, a corrected edition of Tim Power's "Epitaph in Rust." So, were any of the rest of you at Boskone this year? What did you think? Dissenting opinions on what worked/what didn't work at the con are STRONGLY encouraged. ******************************************************************************* Stratus SF SIG News #11--February 28, 1989 AHA! I fooled you all with an EARLY issue. That's because there's some interesting news this time, at least for those of you who care about SF awards. Read on! ******************************************************************************* NEWS Each year, the Science Fiction Writers of America give out awards for works of fiction. These awards are called the Nebula awards. The Nebula nominations have just been announced: Nebula Nominations (for works published in 1988) (Information Supplied by Chuq Von Rospach, Editor, OtherRealms) NOVELS DESERTED CITIES OF THE HEART, Lewis Shiner, Doubleday/Foundation. DROWNING TOWERS, George Turner, Arbor House. FALLING FREE, Lois McMaster Bujold, Baen Books and Analog. GREAT SKY RIVER, Greg Benford, Bantam/Spectra. MONA LISA OVERDRIVE, William Gibson, Bantam/Spectra. RED PROPHET, Orson Scott Card, Tor. THE URTH OF THE NEW SUN, Gene Wolfe, Tor. NOVELLAS "The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians," Bradley Denton, F&SF June. "The Devil's Arithmetic," Jane Yolen, Viking Kestrel (book). "Journals of the Plague Years," Norman Spinrad, FULL SPECTRUM (Bantam/Spect ra). "The Last of the Winnebagos," Connie Willis, Asimov's July. "The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter," Lucius Shepard, Asimov's September, Zeising Books. "Surfacing," Walter Jon Williams, Asimov's April. NOVELETTES "Do Ya, Do Ya Wanna Dance," Howard Waldrop, Asimov's August. "Ginny Sweethips' Flying Circus," Neil Barret, Jr., Asimov's February. "The Hob," Judith Moffett, Asimov's May. "Kirinyaga," Mike Resnick, F&SF November. "Peaches for Mad Molly," Steven Gould, Analog February. "Schroedinger's Kitten," George Alec Effinger, Omni September. "Unfinished Portrait of the King of Pain by Van Gogh," by Ian McDonald, EMPIRE DREAMS (by Ian McDonald, Bantam/Spectra). SHORT STORIES "Bible Stories for Adults No. 17: The Deluge," James Morrow, FULL SPECTRUM. "The Color Winter," Steven Popkes, Asimov's August. "Dead Men on TV," Pat Murphy, FULL SPECTRUM. "The Fort Moxie Branch," Jack McDevitt, FULL SPECTRUM. "Mrs. Schummel Exits a Winner," John Kessel, Asimov's June. "Voices of the Kill," Thomas M. Disch, FULL SPECTRUM. The Nebula awards are given out at SFWA's annual meeting in April. It should not be any suprise but Roger Rabbit, one of the most inventive movies to emerge from Hollywood in years, has not been nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture of 1988. Roger Rabbit has been nominated for 6 Academy Awards, all technical ones. ******************************************************************************* INFORMATION This is almost your last chance to make nominations for the 1989 Hugo awards. The Hugo awards are given by fandom at the World Science Fiction Convention (to be held in Boston over Labor Day weekend). Nominations close on March 15, 1989. If you want to vote, pick up a ballot from me, send $20 for a supporting membership, or $70 for an attending membership to Noreascon III, Box 46, MIT Branch PO, Cambridge, MA 02139. Note that if you were a member of Nolacon II (the 1988 Worldcon), you ARE eligible to nominate. Due to a minor printer's error, I have extra copies of the Program Book from this year's Boskone. If you'd like a copy, they are in my office. ******************************************************************************* REVIEWS Read FULL SPECTRUM. It's a terrific anthology edited by Lou Aronica and Shawna McCarthy. A number of stories from it appear on this year's Nebula Award ballot. ******************************************************************************* Stratus SF SIG News #12--April 1989 ******************************************************************************* NEWS THE WASHINGTON IN 1992 WORLDCON BID FOLDS! The Washington in '92 Worldcon bid folded after the hotels they were bidding with signed a firm contract with another group. Barring anything REALLY weird, this means that the 1992 Worldcon will be held in Orlando, Florida, site of the other '92 bid. The site of the '92 Worldcon will be formally determined by the site selection vote of the members of this year's Worldcon. 1988 HUGO NOMINATIONS ANNOUNCED BEST NOVEL OF 1988: Cyteen, by C.J. Cherryh (Warner; Popular Library/Questar) Falling Free, by Lois McMaster Bujold (Analog, Dec 87-Feb 88: Baen) Islands in the Net, by Bruce Sterling (Morrow; Ace) Mona Lisa Overdrive, by William Gibson (Gollancz; Bantam Spectra) Red Prophet, by Orson Scott Card (Tor) No Award BEST NOVELLA OF 1988: "The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians", by Bradely Denton (F&SF, Jun 88) "Journals of the Plague Years", by Norman Spinrad (Full Spectrum) "The Last of the Winnebagos", by Connie Willis (IASFM, Jul 88) "The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter", by Lucius Shepard (Ziesing; IASFM, Sep 88) "Surfacing", by Walter Jon Williams (IASFM, Apr 88) No Award BEST NOVELETTE OF 1988: "Do Ya, Do Ya, Wanna Dance", by Howard Waldrop (IASFM, Aug 88) "The Function of Dream Sleep", by Harlan Ellison (Midnight Graffiti 1; IASFM, Mid-Dec 88; Angry Candy) "Ginny Sweethips' Flying Circus", by Neal Barrett, Jr. (IASFM, Feb 88) "Peaches for Mad Molly", by Steven Gould (Analog, Feb 88) "Schrodinger's Kitten", by George Alec Effinger (Omni, Sep 88) No Award BEST SHORT STORY OF 1988: "The Fort Moxie Branch", by Jack McDevitt (Full Spectrum, where it was mistitled "The Fourth Moxie Branch") "The Giving Plague", by David Brin (Interzone 23; Full Spectrum 2) "Kirinyaga", by Mike Resnick (F&SF, Nov 88) "Our Neural Chernobyl", by Bruce Sterling (F&SF, Jun 88) "Ripples in the Dirac Sea", by Geoffrey A. Landis (IASFM, Oct 88) "Stable Strategies for Middle Management", by Eileen Gunn (IASFM, Jun 88) No Award BEST NON-FICTION BOOK OF 1988: A Biographical Dictionary of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists, by Robert Weinberg (Greenwood) First Maitz, by Don Maitz (Ursus) The Motion of Light in Water, by Samuel R. Delany (Morrow) The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, edited by James Gunn (Viking) Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror: 1987, by Charles N. Brown and William G. Contento (Locus) No Award BEST DRAMATIC PRESENTATION OF 1988: Alien Nation Beetlejuice Big Who Framed Roger Rabbit Willow No Awared BEST PROFESSIONAL EDITOR OF 1988: Gardner Dozois Edward L. Ferman David G. Hartwell Charles C. Ryan Stanley Schmidt No Award BEST PROFESSIONAL ARTIST OF 1988: Thomas Canty David Cherry Bob Eggleton Don Maitz Michael Whelan No Award BEST SEMIPROZINE OF 1988: Interzone, (ed. David Pringle) Locus (ed. Charles N. Brown) The New York Review of Science Fiction (ed. Kathryn Cramer, David G. Hartwell, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, and Susan Palwick) Science Fiction Chronicle (ed. Andrew I. Porter) Thrust (ed. D. Douglas Fratz) No Award BEST FANZINE OF 1988: File 770 (ed. Mike Glyer) FOSFAX (ed. Timothy Lane) Lan's Lantern (ed. George "Lan" Laskowski) Niekas (ed. Edmund R. Meskys, Mike Bastraw, and Anne Braude) OtherRealms (ed. Chuq Von Rospach) No Award BEST FAN WRITER of 1988: Avedon Carol Mike Glyer Arthur D. Hlavaty Dave Langford Guy Lillian, III Chuq Von Rospach No Award BEST FAN ARTIST OF 1988: Brad W. Foster Teddy Harvia Merle Insinga Stu Shiffman Taral Wayne Diana Gallagher Wu No Award JOHN W. CAMPBELL AWARD FOR BEST NEW WRITER OF 1987-1988: (not a Hugo: sponsored by Davis Publications) P.J. Beese and Todd Cameron Hamilton (1) Christopher Hinz (2) Melanie Rawn (1) Michaela Roessner (1) Kristine Kathryn Rusch (1) William Sanders (1) Delia Sherman (2) No Award (1) First year of eligibility (2) Second and final year of eligibility REVIEWS from Joe Wirtz Robin Cook - Mutation Its another medical story from Robin Cook (Coma) in which a father implants his wife with an altered embryo to heighten intelligence. All goes well, too well. The child becomes smarter than his parents, and begins doing his own genetic experiments... I found this book to be rather dry, and very predictable. All in all it was interesting reading. from Laurie Mann If any of you are voting for the Hugos, I can loan you copies of most of the fanzines nominated. I also have samples of art in my office of 4 of the 6 nominated fan artists (can I pick my friends, or can I pick my friends?), and art from 1 of the 6 nominated pro artists. ******************************************************************************* Stratus SF SIG News #13--June 27, 1989 ******************************************************************************* NEWS ******************************************************************************* INFORMATION Noreascon Announces Current and At-the-door Rates Preregistration for Noreascon III closes on July 15, 1989. The prereg rates are: Attending membership $80 Supporting membershgip $20 Children's admission $50 Conversion from Supporting to Attending $60 No memberships will be sold between July 15 and August 31, the first day of the con. At the con, the rates will be: Children's Attending One-day Children's One-day Thursday 8/31 $110 $30 $90 $25 Friday 9/1 $110 $40 $90 $35 Saturday 9/2 $100 $40 $80 $35 Sunday 9/3 $65 $40 $50 $35 Monday 9/4 $30 $25 $25 $25 Note that children's memberships include babysitting and other special activities. These memberships may only be bought in conjunction with adult memberships, and do not include publications or voting rights. HELP! Noreascon III needs your help! If you have any spare time, and are willing to do some volunteer work for the Worldcon, please call X2610, or call 617-776-3243 for more information. ******************************************************************************* REVIEWS from Laurie Mann Oh, let's see, there was Disclave, a DC-area convention, which was OK, if you like tripping over drunk teenagers in the lobby. It did have the feature of showing Roger Rabbit twice during the weekend. Batman---if you love interesting-looking movies with good performances, you'll like it. However, it's not really strong on plot. Indy Jones---as much fun as Raiders, with a wonderful performance by Sean Connery. Ghostbusters II---less fun that the original, but the characters are enjoyable and Sigourney Weaver adds some class to the picture. Star Trek V---the most mediocre of the group (Wrath of Khan was my favorite, and the Motionless Picture was my least favorite). I haven't had much time to read lately, but hope to do some over the upcoming holiday weekend. ******************************************************************************* Stratus SF SIG News #14---July 28, 1989 (August 14, 1989) What, late AGAIN???? TSK-TSK-TSK ******************************************************************************* NEWS All's pretty quiet. ******************************************************************************* INFORMATION Harlan Ellison "promises" The Last Dangerous Visions will be published NEXT year. (Of course, he's been saying that since 1972!) ******************************************************************************* REVIEWS The Cardinal of the Kremlin by Tom Clancy This is an espionage novel, with borderline SF elements (an almost-functioning SDI, for one). It features Jack Ryan as the non-traditional CIA agent. While Clancy is not a particularly good stylist, I enjoyed the book even though I really dislike spy books. ******************************************************************************* Stratus SF SIG News #15--September 15, 1989 ******************************************************************************* NEWS Hugo Awards Given out at Noreascon III Best Novel: Cyteen, by C.J. Cherryh (Warner; Popular Library/Questar) Best Novella: "The Last of the Winnebagos", by Connie Willis (IASFM, Jul 88) Best Novellette: "Schrodinger's Kitten", by George Alec Effinger (Omni, Sep 88) Best Short Story: "Kirinyaga", by Mike Resnick (F&SF, Nov 88) Best Non Fiction: The Motion of Light in Water, Samuel R. Delaney (Morrow) Best Dramatic Pres: Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Disney/Ambin Best Professional Editor: Gardner Dozois (Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine) Best Professional Artist: Michael Whelan Best Semi-Prozine: Locus (ed. Charles N. Brown) Best Fanzine: File 770 (ed. Mike Glyer) Best Fan Writer: Dave Langford Best Fan Artist: (a tie) Brad W. Foster and Diana Gallagher Wu John W. Campbell Award: Michaela Roessner From: Laurie Mann Noreascon III attracted 7200 fans, pros, artists, and assorted hangers-on, making it the second largest Worldcon ever. It went VERY well, but I admit to a strong predjudice here, since I was one of the organizers. I'll eventually finish writing my long, excruitiatingly-detailed report. It's already about 280 lines long and I'm only on Wednesday! $150,000 of art was sold by art show sales. I think this is a new record. Andre Norton was a very busy GoH, signing autographs and appearing on a few panels. We had some problems with the projectors we'd rented, and were rescued by Frank Marshall of Amblin Entertainment who arranged to get us replacements. We also had to completely rewire the art show lighting Thursday night and Friday morning so the fire marshall would approve the wiring plan. All of Hall C of the Hynes became the ConCourse for the week. The ConCourse was an amalgamation of an exhibit hall and a lounge. It worked very well. The Hucksters Room was in Hall D, and consisted of some 220 tables. The Art Show ran in the Grand and Republic Ballrooms of the Sheraton. Movies included Roger Rabbit, Big, The Adventures of Baron von Munchausen, Batman, and The Wizard of Oz. Macs were the computer of choice for most areas, followed quickly by PC clones of various flavors. Yes, there were even a few IBM selectrics... ******************************************************************************* INFORMATION ******************************************************************************* QUESTIONS From: Chris Tavares Would anyone have the October 1988 issue of IASFM? I would like to borrow it. ******************************************************************************* REVIEWS From Howard Ship I've been reading a lot of Clive Barker (Horror) books lately, when I'm reading at all. I'm also in the middle of 89 World's Best SF. If this is the best SF has to offer, the genre is in deep trouble. Basically, the genre is sliding backwards into the ghetto of the 40s and 50s. Bad cyberpunk has replaced bad space opera. Ray guns have been replaced with neon signs, spaceships with urban decay, outer space with conceptual reality, and optimism with pessimism. In the 40s, identical space opera stories were churned out in pulp magazines and cheap paperbacks. Today, we get books with "tm" on the front cover, designed and marketed as series. Immature readers like these series, they're safe and predictible. The stories I've read so far were mostly cyberpunk stories, without appropriately morbid mood used by Brunner, Dick or Gibson. I'll know more when I finish the collection, but what I see is "safe" SF. No risks, limited imaginations, just high concept styling excerises. No philosophy, just a little mysticism thrown in. What I'm getting it is the myth of science fiction: That there's a definition of what is and is not science fiction, a ghetto. The "spaceships and ray guns" definition all but worked way back when, and now, in the post New Wave era, the "computer nets and discos" defintion is taking hold. Response from Laurie I don't completely agree with Howard. I agree that the last few years have offerred few outstanding books but I don't think the genre is stuck in a "computer net and disco" ghetto. For one thing, it's possible to find some, shall we say, "grown up" books if you look hard enough. Try Bruce Sterling's Islands in the Net. Check out When Gravity Fails, which I review below. Or, if you prefer subtlety, read Ellen Kushner's Swordspoint. Finally, if you want to see how good speculative fiction can be, read Lou Aronica and Shawna McCarthy's Full Spectrum collection. While not every story is a gem in the collection, there are so many good stories that it's worth it. From Sean Powers I read mostly fantasy books as opposed to sci-fi, although I have read the Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov. I also just finished a really good sf book by L.Ron Hubbard. It was called Battlefield Earth, and was very exciting. My favorite authors are Piers Anthony, Steven R. Donaldson, Terry Brooks, Anne Mcaffrey, and, of course, Tolkein. from Laurie Mann I've just finished reading George Alec Effinger's When Gravity Fails. It is a well-written, exciting book of decadence and death in a future Arab society, dominated by mayhem and drugs. Orson Scott Card called the book "Cyberpunk when cyberpunk grows up." He was right. It's about as hard-boiled cyberpunk as you're going to find. But it's VERY well done (and I'm NOT much of a cyperpunk fan!). ******************************************************************************* Stratus SF SIG News #16--October 13, 1989 ******************************************************************************* NEWS Everyone seems to be recovering from Noreascon III. No real news to report. The Sheraton decided (for the THIRD time) that SF cons are really OK. ****************************************************************************** INFORMATION (yes, this is one long plug for Boskone) Boskone XXVII Progress Report February 16-18, 1990 Springfield, Massachusetts Guest of Honor Official Artist Special Guest Glen Cook David A. Cherry Charles Ryan [[[Deleted]]]1988 _ 1989 _ 1990 _ 1991 _ 1992-3